Browse Items (84 total)

About 50 persons, white and black, start out on a 30-mile Freedom Walk from Alton, Ill., to St. Louis, Mo. in protest against racial discrimination in cities along the route, Aug. 26, 1961. The demonstration was sponsored by the Congress of Racial…

"James Farmer, second from left, national director of the Congress of Racial Equality, joins hands with three Freedom Riders in Newark, N.J. From left. Rev. Joseph Randall of Newark, Rabbi Sidney S. Shaken of Cranford and John C. Harvard of…

"Four blacks lead a mass meeting in freedom songs in Jackson, Miss., after sit-in incident where a black was beaten and kicked, May 29, 1963. From left to right: David Dennis, Congress of Racial Equality; Jesse Harris, Student Non-Violent…

"Members of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) begin a sit-in around the rotunda on the second floor of the Capitol, May 29, 1963 in Sacramento, California. The group plans to remain there until the Senate Governmental Efficiency Committee acts…

"As members of the Congress of Racial Equality begin a fast in the Capitol in Sacramento, Calif., a sign points to a nearby Senate Committee room where the bill to ban housing discrimination may be heard, June 19, 1963. The fast began on last night,…

"Actor Marlon Brando marches with other pickets at a housing development in Torrence, Calif. July 27, 1963 in protest against what the Congress of Racial Equality says is the refusal of the developer to sell homes to African-Americans."

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"Pickets from the Congress of Racial Equality and spectators mass in front of the Bank of America's day and night branch at No. 1 Powell St., in downtown San Francisco on May 22, 1964. Core began picketing over alleged discrimination against minority…

"Representatives of the Congress of Racial Equality and student groups mass at the City Hall steps in Columbus, Ohio on April 18, 1964 to support civil rights leaders protesting alleged de factor segregation in Cleveland’s schools. The demonstrators…

"Police roust members of the Congress of Racial Equality at City Hall protest in the aftermath of the Watts Riots ."

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core fbi 1940's.pdf
This is a collection of FBI documents on CORE from the 1940's that pertain to CORE. They demonstrate that CORE was under investigation as early as 1943, the Bureau made use of 'confidential informants' and CORE's meetings and activities were being…
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