Browse Items (84 total)

target city fbi.pdf
This collection of FBI documents pertains to CORE’s Target City project in Baltimore. The come from the Federal Surveillance of African Americans 1920-1984.

CORE’s Target City project was described by the FBI as ‘the most active Black nationalist…

ACTION + St. Louis CORE fbi.pdf
This collection of FBI documents simply notes that ACTION (Action Committee to Increase Opportunities for Negroes), a militant civil rights group in St. Louis, was a splinter group from the local CORE chapter that broke away several years earlier.…

miami core fbi docs.pdf
This is a collection of FBI documents from 1965 pertaining to Miami CORE chairman Pete Christiansen. They show that Miami CORE was under investigation as part of the COINTELPRO program and designated as a ‘Hate Group’. They come from the Federal…

bill bradley.jpg
This is a photo of San Francisco CORE chairman Bill Bradley. He was arrested for picketing the Sheraton- Palace Hotel as part of a campaign against its 'discriminatory hiring practices'. (

He has since changed his name to Oba…

sf core fbi 1961.pdf
This is a collection of FBI documents pertaining to San Francisco. They come from the Federal Surveillance of African Americans 1920-1984 database.
According to Meier and Rudwick's history of CORE, the chapter was first set up by field…

gc pic 001.png
This is a film clip of CORE's program director Gordon Carey from the documentary "Freedom Riders".

may (some March) 1961 fbi.pdf
This is a collection of FBI documents on CORE from 1961. They primarily pertain to that year's Freedom Rides. These documents make clear that the FBI was aware of what was going on from the very beginning every step of the way.

The majority…

1960 fbi.pdf
This is a collection of FBI documents from 1960 pertaining to CORE. It speaks to the Bureau's increasing concern (as well as that of the general public including a U.S. Congressman) with the possibility of CORE being infiltrated by the Communist…

core fbi 1950's.pdf
This is a collection on CORE from the 1950's. Among other things, it points to one of the good things about the FBI's surveillance of CORE - because the FBI went to great lengths to collect and preserve CORE flyers, pamphlets, letters and literature…

core fbi 1940's.pdf
This is a collection of FBI documents on CORE from the 1940's that pertain to CORE. They demonstrate that CORE was under investigation as early as 1943, the Bureau made use of 'confidential informants' and CORE's meetings and activities were being…
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