Browse Items (84 total)

may (some March) 1961 fbi.pdf
This is a collection of FBI documents on CORE from 1961. They primarily pertain to that year's Freedom Rides. These documents make clear that the FBI was aware of what was going on from the very beginning every step of the way.

The majority…

1960 fbi.pdf
This is a collection of FBI documents from 1960 pertaining to CORE. It speaks to the Bureau's increasing concern (as well as that of the general public including a U.S. Congressman) with the possibility of CORE being infiltrated by the Communist…

Malcolm X Debates Evie Rich on WCAU Radio. 1961.mp4
This is a 1961 debate between CORE field secretary Evie Rich and Malcolm X on Philadelphia's WCAU radio. It is the classic integrationist vs. nationalist debate.

While Evie Rich did a good job in representing the CORE position, Malcolm X beat…

louisiana story 1963 james farmer.pdf
This is the pamphlet "Louisiana Story 1963" published by CORE. It details CORE's actions that year to fight against racial discrimination in that area. It also discusses why CORE's national director James Farmer did not speak at that summer's March…

This is a mugshot for Bayard Rustin, CORE's first field secretary and long time member of its Board of Advisers. At the time, he was serving an eighteen month sentence at Lewisberg Federal Penitentiary for refusing to be inducted into the military. …

malcolm x vs. August meier.pdf
This is a 2020 article on a 1962 debate between CORE historian and member August Meier and Malcolm X at Morgan State University, a historically Black college in Baltimore, Maryland where Meier was a history professor. While the article is not too…

Malcolm X vs. Louis Smith part 1a.aiff
This is a rare radio interview featuring Philadelphia CORE chairman Louis Smith, Malcolm X, and the Rev. Renny Morgan of the First Refuge Baptist Church in Camden, New Jersey. The exact year is unknown but it is safe to say it would be from the…

This is an audio clip of New Orleans CORE chairman Jerome Smith talking about an incident form his childhood growing up in segregation that influenced his eventually becoming a civil rights activist. Struggle for Fair Housing Rights in LA.pdf
This is a 2022 article on Los Angeles CORE by Dr. M. Keith Claybrook, Jr. focusing on its efforts to de-segregate housing.

walter brooks black journal.mp4
1968 film clip CORE's Walter Brooks as a correspondent for PBS' "Black Journal". He was the chairman of New Haven CORE, a field secretary for CORE and then head of the Target City project in Baltimore. He worked for "Community Progress Inc., the…
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